Goodreads inspired me to make a short post about my reading stats for this year, but then I remembered Jamie at The Perpetual Page Turner makes a book survey at the end of every year, so this is a culmination of my Goodreads reading stats, the 2015 book survey, and some other stuff I threw in. P.S. I've deleted a lot of the questions from the original 2015 book survey (linked above) because they didn't apply to my reading year. Share your answers with me in the comments!
Number of Books Read:
5 stars - 12
4 stars - 15
3 stars - 12
2 stars - 3
1 star - 1
Number of Re-reads: 1
Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
First book started in 2015:
Started with a bang with Ask the Passengers by A.S. King.
Last book finished in 2015:
And ended with a bang with Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson
Number of Pages Read:
Shortest Book:
After the Bridge by Cassandra Clare
Longest Book:
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Average Book Length:
Most Popular on GR:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Least Popular on GR:
Mussolin's Rome by Borden W. Painter, Jr.
Lol, no kidding.
My Average Rating:
My Most Read Genre:
Survey Questions | Books from 2015:
1. Favorite Book You Read:
Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher and Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson -
I'm sorry, I know it's supposed to be a singular answer
but this is the worst question for a book addict!
I'm sorry, I know it's supposed to be a singular answer
but this is the worst question for a book addict!
2. Book You Didn't Love As Much As You Were Anticipating:
Confess by Colleen Hoover - Sad.
3. Book You Weren't Expecting To Enjoy As Much As You Did:
On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves -
I could have put so many books under this category. SO MANY. But.
Just goes to show.
I could have put so many books under this category. SO MANY. But.
Just goes to show.
4. Most Surprising Plot (Good or Bad):
Never Never: Part One by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher - Seriously. What just happened?
5. Favorite New Author You Discovered:
Tarryn Fisher - I'm kind of addicted to her writing.
And her as a person. #PLN4LIFE
6. Most Unputdownable Book:
Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson -
Seeing as how I read it basically in one sitting...
Seeing as how I read it basically in one sitting...
7. Book You Read That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year:
Titles and authors stated previously - I'm not trying to be unoriginal here, but I can't stop thinking about them!
8. Favorite Cover Of A Book You Read:
Because it is perfection.
9. Most Memorable Character:
Olivia from
The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher - She is somethin.
10. Most Thought-Provoking/Life-Changing Book:
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King.
11. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read:
"He stayed all winter." -Senna, Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher
12. Best Book From A Genre You Don't Typically Read/Out Of Your Comfort Zone:
Straight up poetry! I never read poetry books, but this was nice!
13. OTP Of The Year (You Will Go Down With This Ship!)
Olivia & Caleb from
Love Me With Lies series by Tarryn Fisher -
They're so awful to each other, yet, so right for each other.
They're so awful to each other, yet, so right for each other.
14. Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year:
Chloe & Will from
A Matter of Fate series by Heather Lyons -
The BEST platonic girl-boy relationship ever! Love them so much!
The BEST platonic girl-boy relationship ever! Love them so much!
15. Best Book That You Read SOLELY Because Someone Recommended It/Pressured You To Read It:
Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen - I gave it 3 stars,
but it was the only one someone convinced me to read.
John Green made me do it.
but it was the only one someone convinced me to read.
John Green made me do it.
Survey Questions | Looking Ahead:
1. Top Books You Didn't Get To Read In 2015 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority In 2016:

Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer
Marrow by Tarryn Fisher
Thief by Tarryn Fisher
You by Caroline Kepnes
2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2016 (non-debut):
On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher (Not yet covered)
3. Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2016:
Never Never: Part Three by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
4. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life in 2016:
I hope to become more consistent with blogging!
My 2016 Reading and Personal Goals will be up within the week :)
My 2016 Reading and Personal Goals will be up within the week :)