Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #17: Books That Will Make You Weep

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme that was created by The Broke and the Bookish. You can find more TTT lists from book lovers and bloggers by clicking their blog name.

Today's topic:
Top Ten Books That Will Make You Weep

(In descending order of cry intensity; all books are five or five+ ratings for me so I recommend them all no matter how I rank them cry wise.)

10. Hopeless by Colleen Hoover | There is a particular scene that is emotionally intense for Sky and Holder and it brought tears to my eyes. Cry scale: A few hot tears.

9. Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover | Holder's grief was so overwhelming! A few hot tears in multiple sections.

8. Vain by Fisher Amelie | The beauty of this story, the development of Sophie, the intense situations, and the relationships between the characters is so overwhelming it brings me to tears every time. Beautiful, heartbreakingly beautiful tears streaked my face.

7.  Wings by Aprilynne Pike | The ending made me FLIP OUT! Flip out! I was jumping around in panic, hyperventilating and crying because I couldn't believe what had happened.

6. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | This doesn't need an explanation, but as for the crying, I had to pause reading for a minute because I could not see.

5. Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares | I couldn't BELIEVE what had happened HAPPENED. I was in denial for a chapter before I just wept. For Traveling Pants fans who have loved Carmen, Tibby, Bridget, and Lena as I have know exactly what I'm talking about. 

4. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks | Subject matter and beautifully written. I sobbed for a good couple pages and then was able to reign it in with tearing streaking.

3. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson | This book was written very well and when the sad parts came, it broke something inside of me. The lead character's experience of grief was also a similar one that I have experienced and I could not stop drawing parallels between us. I stayed up until 4am to finish this, my body rocked with uncontrollable sobs powerful enough to have flown the book out of my hands, and the last fifty pages tearing were streaming steadily.

2. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini | I am still grieving. I had unannounced tears every so often as I read the novel as well as every time I thought about the story up until a month after I read it.

1. This Star Won't Go Out by Esther Earl with Lori and Wayne Earl | It's ironic how I knew Esther's death was going to be discussed (this isn't a spoilers, guys--it's a biography.) and yet, I SOBBED like no other when her father wrote about her final moments. I'm still kind of in pieces. Her father is a wonderful writer and being that he was her father...cue the sobs! There were also many many other sections of this book that made me tear up at something bittersweet or beautiful, simply rejoicing in the experiences and moments Esther had while she was on this earth with us.

My favorite books are the ones that are able to evoke intense emotions out of me, including sadness. What are some good cry books that you recommend?

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