Saturday, August 31, 2013

Monthly Reading Wrap-Up: August 2013

I know you've probably noticed my absence from blogging as of late. I haven't been reading much and I've been feeling uninspired to write well-covered reviews so... that's where I've been in my minuscule corner of the internet. But my friend Trina (go friend her on Goodreads; she writes wonderful reviews for YA books and is just plain lovely!) gave me the idea to do a post on the books I've read this month and I loved the idea! Click on the titles to read my reviews (or in some cases, blob of thoughts) and my ratings for each book are out of 5 stars! 

Books I read in August:
  1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte...............................................................................(Rating: 1.5/5.0)
  2. Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4) by Richelle Mead.....................................(Rating: 4.5/5.0)
  3. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson...........................................................(Rating: 4.5/5.0)
  4. Becoming More by Bayli Lane................................................................................(Rating: 3.5/5.0)
  5. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley......................................................................(Rating: 2.5/5.0)
  6. A Tale of Two Centuries (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, #2) by Rachel Harris....(Rating: 4.0/5.0)
  7. Tight Knit by Allie Brennan....................................................................................(Rating: 1.0/5.0)
  8. East of Eden by John Steinbeck..............................................................................(Rating: 4.0/5.0)

Favorite Book of the Month:
Snippet from my review: "...Tears streaming down my face and sobs controlling my breathing on and off for the last 50 pages...Beautiful and funny moments that left me smiling and giggling."

Please let me know what you think of this new segment I'm thinking of doing! I'm in dire need of suggestions and inspiration for my blog! Have any better ideas for how I can make/format these? Also, leave a comment telling me what books you've read this month. :)


  1. I love a monthly round up on blogs, great that you're doing one now too:) Blood Promise and Brave New World are amazing books! I liked Jane Eyre too, pity you didn't :( I hope you feel more inspired this month, I like reading different opinions on books so don't feel discouraged to write reviews on well-covered books!

    Monthly Round Up @ Eveline's Books

    1. Yay, I'm quite excited to be doing these at the end of every month. I think they're more my style than what I've been doing. :) Thanks for the encouragement! I love the Vampire Academy series as a whole so much. They're right up my book alley. :) Also, I haven't been visiting many blogs lately, but I just visited yours again and wow it looks great! I really like it!

    2. If you love VA, you should definitely read Bloodlines (the spinoff) after finishing book 6 :) No problem, I guess every blogger feels like that some times, but every opinion is important! Thank you so much <3

    3. I'm rereading VA right now so I've actually already read the three Bloodlines books that are currently out. I liked them, but didn't LOVE them. I'm not really sure what it was that made me only like the books since all other VA fans seem to have loved them too.
